Weird thing, but I have a dirty dark secret: While on the surface of things I look like a very tidy, together person (people often comment on how tidy our house is), if you open my drawers, you'd see another side. I don't know what it is, but I have never been good at organizing. I just fling things in drawers so you can't see them. I am forbidden from folding or putting away anyone's laundry but my own because I just roll things into balls and stuff them in. My desk isn't horribly messy, but open the drawers and things are disasterous. Lately, however, this tendency is starting to have consequences, and now that I'm running a business, it is important for me to be organized. I am great with my client files, but other things have still been sliding, and the truth is, all the disorganization makes me anxious. One area of our home that's been quite a mess for some time is our storage room in the basement. We hadn't cleaned it out in 7 years and w...
Healthy food for thought, body and soul.