I have written many a post about how important I think it is to use your freezer to maintain a healthy diet and to reduce food waste. I don't mean buying processed frozen foods. I mean making food in big batches and freezing, freezing leftovers, etc. The one type of frozen food I buy often is frozen fruit. I buy a few types of frozen veggies too (green beans, peas, Brussels sprouts, etc.) but I buy a ton of frozen fruit. I use it for compotes, salads, and baking, and Adam and the girls use it for smoothies and snacking. It is particularly useful in the summer when a lot of the fruit we eat is not in season, and since frozen fruit (and veggies) is always picked fresh and ripe, its very nutritious (the same is not true for canned produce). So when Nature's Touch offered to send me samples of their products, I immediately jumped at the chance. They sent 2 of their newest products, Grapes-To-Go! and Strawberry-Rhubarb Harvest The grapes come as 5 individua...
Healthy food for thought, body and soul.