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Eco Nuts for Eco Nuts: Product Review

So many reasons to love Eco Nuts for site

Are you into finding the best eco-friendly, non-toxic products to use in your home?

If so, you will definitely want to read on.  A company called Eco Nuts recently sent me their laundry soap to try. 

Eco Nuts actually look like nuts but are actually berries.

Example of a Soap Nut

Here is the info provided by the company:

Eco NutsĀ®  Soap Nuts are a berry that grows in the Himalayas that naturally produces a soap.  The soap is called saponin, a natural cleaner that works as a surfactant, breaking the surface tension of the water to penetrate the fibers of your clothing, lifting stains from the fabric and leaving dirt suspended in the water that is rinsed away.
Eco Nuts are gentle on both clothes and skin, making them ideal for those with sensitive skin, eczema, allergies and psoriasis. Because they are so mild, they are perfect for baby clothes and cloth diapers. All-Natural Eco Nuts are also great for septic and grey water systems. But donā€™t expect these shells to foam up like commercial soaps, which have artificial foaming agents. Foam simply does not represent cleaning power.
Eco Nuts are wild-harvested, meaning they are gathered from wild trees grown without any kind of chemicals, fertilizers, or pesticides. The saponin actually tastes bad to insects so no pesticides are needed, and the trees naturally love poor uncultivated soil. They are organically grown by mother earth and certified USDA Organic by Oregon Tilth. Our soap nuts are both de-seeded and sterilized  -the only soap nuts on the market that are both!

I have to admit, I was skeptical:  They don't look like any soap I've ever seen before!  And although they claim to kill odors, due to all the working out and sweating we do around here, we produce some pretty smelly laundry!

Like most eco-friendly products, they are much pricier than their conventional counterparts: $4.50 gets you enough for 10 loads.    But in my experience, paying a premium never seems to bother real eco nuts.  The company also sells a range of other eco-friendly, non-toxic laundry products.

So I've been using them for about 2 weeks.  To be honest, I don't really get how they work as they don't produce suds or really much of anything at all.  I haven't noticed much of a difference compared to our regular eco detergent but the idea of using them long-term with our really stinky workout wear makes me nervous.  So I think I'll keep them for our 'lightly soiled' laundry but maybe stick with something a big more heavy duty for our really yucky stuff. 

Real eco nuts will love Eco Nuts, so if you are a green machine, then you may want to pick some up.  If you have severe skin allergies or sensitivities, these may also be a great option for you.


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