No the girls don't have lice! But I am acting like they (and I) do!
I know, I am a bit neurotic.
Yesterday, I was sitting at my friend's house after spending most of the afternoon in Big A's classroom as a parent volunteer. The daycare where my friend's son goes, and where the girls go, called to say her son had lice along with 5 other kids in the room. A little while later, Adam called me because both of Big A's friends who go to Brownies with her, also had lice so their parents called to say they wouldn't be going. Um, hello, I just spent the afternoon in the classroom with those kids!!
We walked to the school to get the kids, who were not to happy to hear I was going to be putting them through the treatment last night, but come on, can you blame me? Big A mentioned 2 other kids who were also found to have lice yesterday!
Better safe than sorry! By the way, a nice thick conditioner plus tea tree oil and one of the special combs does the trick just fine, no harsh chemicals required.
In more pleasant news, my mother-in-law, a friend and I are going to be in the audience of the Steven and Chris show this afternoon. I really hope they are giving out some good prizes. Happy Hump Day!
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