My kids don't eat at all the way I would like them to, and this has been the case since each of them reached the age of 1 or so. Up until then it was breastmilk only to 6 months, and then only organic fruits, veggies, oats, rice, eggs and meat, Once too old for 'baby' food (or exposed to other foods at daycare) it became a total shit show. Its pretty tough to control given that we live in such a toxic food environment. Their real food, salt, sugar and refined grain-free diet went right out the window.
I do manage to get a good amount of nutrition in them with all my healthy baking recipes, but they have a long way to go in the savoury food department. Big A could live on carbs and sugar, and getting protein into her is a major challenge. Little A falls short in the vegetable area. But both of them like many different fruits, at least, and they have no problem with the fact that I only allow whole grains and grain products in the house, and cook and bake with alternatives to sugar (like stevia, etc.).
What is most frustrating, however, is how stubborn and non-adventurous they are with food. Getting them to try new things is like pulling teeth.
I am sure if you are a parent, this is all familiar to you (though if it isn't and your precious, perfect child eats nothing but kale, chickpeas and blueberries, you can go take a hike, 'cause you and I can't be friends!).
Always hoping for a breakthrough with the kids in the nutrition department, I was happy to accept a review copy of Squash Boom Beet, written by nutrition journalist, Lisa Maxbauer Price.
It is a beautiful book full of gorgeous photos, which goes from A to Z naming fruits and veggies and cute rhyming little descriptors of each.
The produce she chooses for each letter are sometimes unexpected (e.g. dinosaur kale and dragon tongue beans for D), but I like that its getting kids familiar with fruit and veggie varieties that go beyond what they already know.
I was hoping Little A would read it, but she declared it a book for babies, because of the A to Z thing. Nevermind that she would actually be quite challenged by many of the words, but the kid is stubborn, so I had to review the book all by myself.
Nevertheless, I think it is a great educational book, and I intend to give it to the teachers at Little A's daycare for circle time. I know they are going to love it, and, frankly, I think these types of things work best in that type of setting because peer pressure can be a good thing when it comes to food (the kids will eat all sorts of things outside the house, that they wouldn't touch if I served it to them!).
For parents this book may be helpful depending on your kids, but I think overall, its probably best used as a resource for teachers.
Disclosure: I was sent this book to review, but all opinions on this blog are my own.
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