Good morning! It is a beautiful, sunny Monday, but according to the weather report, its going to go up to 26 Celsius by this afternoon, which is too hot for me. Yeah, I know, complain, complain...
How was your weekend? Ours was lovely. We've hit a new milestone in this house: we can all go for a family bike ride together! Little A is finally good enough on a two wheeler that riding together is feasible. This definitely makes life easier and more fun!!
I have always been an avid bike rider. I don't call myself a 'cyclist' because I use it for transportation, not for fitness or recreation...except for teaching spinning classes. I am telling you, there has never been a better time to ride in this city. Due to declines in funding, our public transportation system (The TTC) is overcrowded and unreliable. Its become an annoying pain-in-the-ass to use. And due to increased traffic and record breaking construction in downtown Toronto, using a car just gets you stuck in gridlock...not to mention what a fortune it costs to park. This is such a huge, spread out city, walking everywhere just isn't always possible. But cycling? It rocks!! The only problem is that its freakin' dangerous. Cars are either oblivious to cyclists or downright adversarial towards us. There aren't enough bike lanes, and pot holes and street car tracks create dangerous obstacles.
So, of course, it does make me super nervous to have the girls riding bikes now. Little A is still small enough to ride on the side walk, but Big A is too big now, so she rides on the street. Yeah, I'm pretty anxious about this. Lucky for us, though, we live in a neighbourhood where we can get most places taking quiet side streets. We are also adamant about everyone in the family wearing a helmet at all times and not doing anything stupid, like we see a lot of cyclists around here doing, like talking on a phone, listening to headphones, carrying a drink in one hand, etc. while riding.
Saturday we biked to Christie Pits park where the girls played. Yesterday, we biked to Bloor Street, for the annual Annex Street Festival. We had an amazing time watching buskers and musicians and looking at all the arts and crafts for sale. We got the girls frozen yogurt and BBQ corn on the cob, and then cycling home. Unfortunately, it started pouring rain on our way home. Nonetheless, it was so lovely to be able to do all this so easily without having to take the car, a stroller or the TTC.
Honestly, riding a bike is so amazing. Its good for your health, the environment, and your community. Do you ride?
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